Cooinda Group
Cooinda is a social group which was originally a Country Women’s Association group. More than twelve years ago, CWA disbanded in Violet Town but a few members wanted to stay connected.
Cooinda’s activities are varied – they support local businesses or attractions and often visit them or invite a guest speaker to the meeting. Over the years they have visited the Dingo Farm, Honeysuckle Station and the local cemetery. Supper is shared at the conclusion of each meeting (BYO).
The group tries for a wide and varied lot of activities to suit all adult ages/demographics and for ambulant/semi-ambulant people.
They meet in the evening on the third Monday of each month but this is subject to change. During daylight-saving months, it is often an earlier meeting. Information is provided in the Village Voice newsletter each month.
Costs are minimal, at $1.00 per meeting and an annual fee of $2.00. This money all goes back into the Violet Town Community House.
Transport can also be arranged to get people to and from meetings if required.