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8275 hitsgarden-club-1986004
8069 hitsgarden-club-1986-009
8189 hitsgarden-club-1986002
8409 hitsMiss Porter, Daisy Brown & Flo
12939 hitsFlo Walls milking the cow
14863 hitsHoskin's General Store in 1870s
8147 hitsFlo Walls milking the cow on 'Fairview'
12209 hitsHorse and cart at 'Fairview'
15136 hitsCooking classes at Dookie College 1918
7574 hitsSydney Express bound for Melbourne
10852 hits'Fairview' homestead
24516 hitsRiding Horse
19670 hitsFamily gathering at 'Fairview'
13336 hitsFirst car to 'Fairview'
15538 hits